Kernel Error Virtual Box (Driver Affiliation)

Kernel Error Virtual Box (Driver Affiliation)


I use virtual box for my daily work duties. Recently, I began receiving this error when trying to launch a VM:
NtCreateFile(\Device\VBoxDrvStub) failed: 0xc000000034

Followed by:


If you have been issued a power user account, follow the steps below. If you do not have a power user account, please submit a ticket at A support agent will assist you ASAP.

Make sure to run all commands in an elevated command prompt
  1. Run "sc.exe query vboxdrv". Verify a status indication of "STOPPED".
  2. Through file explorer, navigate to "C:\ProgramFIles\Oracle\virtualbox\drivers\vboxdrv".
  3. Right click on "VBoxDrv.inf" and select "install". Enter your elevated credentials (power user or admin, depending upon user).
  4. After step 3 is completed, run the command from step 1 again to verify a status of "RUNNING".
If the query still outputs "STOPPED," you may need to manually start vboxdrv. Type "sc.exe start vboxdrv", if needed.
Still need help? Contact IT
  1. E-mail
  2. Use chat window located on this page
  3. Submit a ticket from our support page
  4. Call 410-273-7722

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