Hibernation/Sleep failing on SURVICE laptops

Hibernation/Sleep failing on SURVICE laptops


My SURVICE laptop is not sleeping or hibernating properly. Whenever I put my computer into sleep/hibernate mode, I come back to it to find that it has instead shut itself down and closed all my opened projects and tabs from the previous session. 

Summary of Issue:

In December 2020, SURVICE IT began to see an increase in support requests in which users reported sleep mode/hibernate mode on SURVICE issued laptops was not functioning as intended. As a result of this issue, users were unable to leave their work open and put their computers in a low power-state, such that users could resume working where they last left off. 

This issue causes abnormal/sporadic shutdowns of the machine without the system notifying the end user. Users who leave their work open and put their computer to sleep are likely to lose their work if they do not have another backup of their project data/files, or have their work saved in the state that it was last edited in.

The root cause of this issue is attributed to the antivirus client running on all SURVICE computers, Cortex XDR. 

Resolution Status:

SURVICE IT has implemented a solution for this issue as of 4/13/2021. To resolve, see the steps listed below.
  1. Located in the bottom right corner of your screen select the Show hidden icons 
  2. Right-mouse-click on the Cortex shield icon  with a checkmark inside.
  3. Select Console.

    NOTE:  Be sure to select Console. If you use the short cut, the solution has the potential to NOT work.
  4. Select Check In Now in the Cortex XDR Console.

  5. After your check-in is successful, restart your computer.
Users can test the resolution themselves by opening up a blank text file and placing their laptop into hibernation mode. If the blank text file is open upon the next power-on, the solution was successful. 
Still need help? Contact IT
  1. E-mail it_support@survice.com
  2. Use chat window located on this page
  3. Submit a ticket from our support page
  4. Call 410-273-7722

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