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    To see a complete listing of our support articles, you must log in. Click the "Sign In" link at the top of the page and use your SURVICE credentials ( plus X.509 certificate (YubiKey) or SecurID token (token fob or mobile app) to gain access to the secure resources.

    Select the Add Ticket button above to submit a new ticket. SURVICE has two ticket forms:
    1. IT Support Requests 
      1. Support Request
      2. Firewall Change Request
      3. Server/Network Change Request
      4. Equipment Request
    2. Equipment Purchase Request
      • Use this form for items that require purchase
    Complete forms in their entirety for quickest resolution.

      • Popular Articles

      • Microsoft Application Repeatedly Prompting for Password

        Problem Onsite at a SURVICE location, or currently on VPN, and Office is repeatedly prompting for password. Solution Exit all Microsoft applications. Launch Credential Manager. Go to and select Windows Start . Type Credential Manager in search box. ...
      • Run InstallRoot

        Run InstallRoot 5.5 from your desktop. Double-click on the InstallRoot icon  that appears on your desktop. Two "New certificate store discovered" display screens (one for Firefox and one for Java) MAY launch while loading, select Yes for each. Close ...
      • Access a SharePoint Calendar in Outlook Still need help? Contact IT E-mail Use chat window located on this page Submit a ticket from our support page ...
      • Cancel Requested Leave

        The Pending Leave Requests section of Employee Work Schedules displays the status of leave requests. Use this section to cancel leave requests that have not yet been approved. To cancel a leave request, complete the following steps:   Click   Time & ...
      • Changed SURVICE Password Now Phone/Device Won't Sync

        Problem SURVICE Email on smartphone will not sync and password and username are correct.  Solution If the affected user's password was recently changed the new password on handheld devices may not verify account information if:  User is not using the ...